Proto-II™ Retaining Walls
In the mid 1990’s Proto-II™ Wall Systems expanded from masonry fencing and introduced the Proto-II™ Retaining Walls. The Proto-II™ Retaining Walls use the same post tension technology as the original Proto-II™ Fence Walls and yield the same advantages and more.
Because Proto-II™ Retaining Walls are post tensioned they require no grout, no grout inspections and no waiting time for grout to cure. Proto-II™ Retaining Walls can be backfilled immediately after tensioning, reducing up to a 30 day wait time. The absence of grout also significantly reduces the cost of labor and materials.
With increased strengths, reduced installation time and significant savings, Proto-II™ Retaining Walls have become an excellent alternative to conventional retaining walls.
Proto-II™ Retaining Walls provide many advantages:
- Superior strength and durability
- Significant cost savings
- Retaining capability up to almost any height
- Faster installation, no grouting
- Immediate backfill, no waiting for grout to cure
